
Showing posts from February, 2023

Steps that HR Department Must take To Prevent Sexual Harassment At Work

A large portion of the workplace in India is plagued by the problem of sexual harassment. In order to prevent it, businesses should take precautions, and they should also be prepared to address it if it does. The HR department is in charge of making sure compliance. To make the workplace safe for employees, they can implement PoSH rules and take the ten steps listed below. HR should make sure that the business has several reporting options, including anonymous reporting, for sexual harassment. They must also ensure that the staff is aware of these options, whatever they may be. A human resources professional must understand that harassment can affect anyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or other identifiers. Many LGBTQ employees are especially susceptible to harassment, whether it be sexual or otherwise. Sexual harassment can happen to anyone, even straight males in powerful positions inside the organisation. Every report should be taken seriously, and every investigation

Retaliation And Sexual Harassment at Workplace?

71% of women fail to report incidences of sexual harassment at work, according to a 2015 survey. Only 68.9% of Indian women who experience sexual harassment report their experiences to the Internal Committee (IC) or management, according to a 2017 survey by the Indian National Bar Association (INBA). Retaliation is a tactic used to ridicule, humiliate, and spread rumors about the sexual harassment victim. When an employee reports sexual harassment in the workplace, the company may take action against them. Retaliation is any negative employment action that involves "exerting power." Demotion, wage reduction, job transfer, and termination are a few examples. For fear of retaliation, many women choose not to report sexual harassment at work. The victim may be the target of reprisals from the accused or the organization. In fact, studies has shown that businesses frequently devalue sexual harassment. As a result, the victim faces hostility and reprisals. The organization's e

Status of Local Committee formation under POSH

According to Section 6(1) of the Act, "Every District Officer shall constitute in the district concerned a committee to be known as the "Local Complaints Committee" to receive sexual harassment complaints from establishments where the Internal Committee has not been formed because it has fewer than ten employees or if the complaint is against the employer himself." The Local Complaints Committee was changed to becomSee the Local Committee in May 2016, broadening its mandate from merely handling complaints to one that requires it to act proactively to combat sexual harassment. According to a report by the Martha Farrell Foundation, POSH policies are not generally being followed to its fullest extent (2018). In accordance with this research, 655 districts had 56 percent of requests for data sets from operating Local Committees ignored. Only 29% of districts claimed to have created LCs, and 15% of those districts still hadn't done so. 43% of respondents from the un